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Thoughts & Inspiration

Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”
‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭29‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So here I am in Guatemala, writing my first blog about actual field work! The last week and a half has been (insert word here that fits the need for a word so awesome it doesn’t exist). It’s been incredible. My team has been blessed with the opportunity to work with the amazing ministry called REINDOM. I could talk all day about how awesome these guys are but you could check it out for yourself on Ivan’s instagram @Ivansolloy. The work they are doing is so inspiring and to see how it comes from a place of love and not obligation even when the work is far from glamorous has been so eye opening to me. They are truly living the Gospel and you should really check out their work on their socials.

The ministry we do is mainly in villages, most often in the town called “Santa Martha”. I don’t remember the Spanish translation right now but before REINDOM came in these villages called themselves something that translates to the “forgotten ones” because of a lack of outside help. It has been such a pleasure to work with these people as they are all so friendly and kind and the Love of God is evident everyday in these people. We do a lot of kids ministry on some weekdays. This takes the form of helping out around the school, cleaning and preparing lunch for the kids and then also getting to help out with teaching lessons. So far I’ve gotten to help with Bible, English, and PE classes.

On Friday, I was given the honor of getting to coach basketball with John Teter for the day’s PE class. To say it was a joy would be a drastic understatement. I’m sitting here grinning and getting that big happy feeling as I sit here just thinking about it. Helping bring the greatest sport ever to a village where it is a completely foreign concept is just priceless to me. I really can’t express how happy and grateful I am to be a part of this. Basketball is really just not known in Guatemala like in the US (by the end of my six weeks here we’ll get there). The basketball program currently consists of four basketballs. While running through passing drills I couldn’t help but think, “these kids need a net”. And then, like a sudden burst of lightning from the sky, Something gave me and John Teter a revelation. We are missionaries fresh off the plane from Estados Unidos. We have bank accounts. There’s a little dinero in there. Someone’s gotta get these kids a net.

So here’s the plan: by the time I post this it should probably be midday Sunday and I’m sitting in a coffee shop mooching their free wifi (or something like that). Me and my partner Juan Teter should both be posting our blogs right now and uploading them. After we finish uploading, we’re heading over the sports store in the city of Chimal to buy a basketball net. Santa Martha is getting its first generation of hoopers. I can say pretty confidently this is the best thing I’ve ever been a part of. Realizing how much of a joy it is to be a part of this, I would like to extend that opportunity to you as well. There is a GoFundMe set up (at this link: TheSantaMarthaBasketballProject ). We are hoping to receive enough that we can afford to buy a second net and make a full court for these guys. If we go over the fund raising goal (first thing to do is praise God) we’re going to use any extra money to buy more balls and other equipment for the school’s new basketball program here. This really is a project I am beyond honored to have a part in, and I am buzzing with excitement at the thought of how this is going to turn out. Praise God I get to be a part of this!!! Any donations mean a huge deal, and we are so thankful for any generosity in cash or in praying for us. Do not feel obligated to give, but please pray that all goes smoothly in bringing basketball to Santa Martha. We’re playing Ba-sket-ballll! 🎶